My Experience

My Experience

rosa hernando cbt and cft therapist

Following the completion of a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in REBT (a branch of CBT) I have worked as a CBT Therapist for 23 years both in the NHS, private sector and running my own private CBT practice: Rosa Hernando Psychotherapist London.

For the past 3 years I have also been one of the Clinical Directors of ‘The Meyer Therapy Practice’, a CBT therapy practice offering face to face therapy in London and online.

I am Accredited by the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP).

I have worked at the Priory Hospital North London for about six years where I run CBT groups as well as offering individual CBT sessions. It was here that I became a specialist in Obsessional Disorders (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Health Anxiety and Vomit Phobia). I was involved in the development of the Highly Specialist Unit for treatment resistant Obsessional Disorders which receives national referrals from all over the UK. I worked with adults and adolescents suffering from severe and complex Obsessional Disorders.

While working at the Priory Hospital I worked with leading CBT clinicians and well known authors of CBT books and experts in Obsessional Disorders (OCD, BDD and Health Anxiety). I used to run specialist CBT groups for OCD, BDD and Social Phobia.

I have also worked in the NHS in a team treating complex mental health problems and was involved in setting up a CBT service at GP practices.

I have a special interest and extensive training in Third Wave CBT approaches like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and in particular Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) which I am passionate about. I am also a trained Mindfulness and Mindful Self Compassion teacher and have run groups using these approaches and I incorporate them into my one to one sessions. I also specialise in problems with self esteem and people that have a strong ‘self critic’.

I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals and become unstuck from limiting life patterns, whether personally, professionally or in relationships.

Teaching and supervision

I have been involved in CBT teaching including being a Visiting Lecturer at the Royal Free Hospital in London teaching Psychiatrists in training on the use of CBT for Anxiety and Obsessional Disorders (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Health Anxiety).

I have also lectured at the University of Hertfordshire training and supervising CBT trainees working in the NHS.

Finally, I have training and experience of supervising CBT trainees and therapists both in the NHS and privately.

Rosa Hernando Psychotherapist London

Take the first step, contact me now.